Here are just a few of the films completed by the Young Filmmakers Workshop over the years. Click on the image to watch. Popcorn not included!

2018: “To Be Or Not To Be”

2018: “Worm Hole”

2018: “The New Kid”

2017: “Valentine’s Day”

2017: “Dinosaur Dave”

2017: “Wrath of Pod”

2017: “New Kid”

2016: “Aliens Anonymous”

2016: “The Substitute”

2016: “The Tell Tale Tale”

2016: “Checkmate”

2015: “The Orphan Ghost”

2015: “Rat Patrol”

2015: “School of Fish”

2014: “Invasion”

2014: “Recess Games”

2014: “Off The Record”

2013: “Pawn’d”

2012: “B. Lyndon”

2012: “Termie 2”

2011: “Why We Fight”

2010: “Bollywood USA”

2010: “Obscured by the Night”
